LVL2 Badge: Self-Promotion & Social Media

Self-promotion for Nordic Coaches

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required



Course Description: "Self-Promotion Best Practices" Badge Program

The "Self-Promotion Best Practices" badge program is crafted to empower Nordic Coaches with the knowledge and tools to not only elevate their personal brand but also maximize their financial rewards through app and academy referrals. This course will guide you through the essentials of self-promotion, helping you effectively spread Nordic Flow's impact while also boosting your earning potential.

This comprehensive program is structured into four key sections:

  • I. Intro: Begin your journey by understanding the critical role of self-promotion in expanding your influence as a Nordic Coach. Learn the importance of aligning your personal brand with the Nordic Flow mission and how it can contribute to both your professional growth and financial success.

  • II. Platforms: Explore the various digital platforms available for self-promotion. This section will help you identify the most suitable channels for your brand and offer tips on how to leverage them to enhance your reach and visibility.

  • III. Navigating Instagram: Instagram is a powerful tool for visual storytelling and community building. In this section, you’ll learn how to create an engaging profile, utilize Instagram’s features effectively, and implement content strategies that resonate with your audience.

  • IV. Best Practices for Building a Following: Discover proven techniques for growing a loyal and engaged following. This section will provide you with actionable tips on content creation, audience engagement, and strategies to maximize the financial rewards from your app and academy referrals.

Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives: "Self-Promotion Best Practices" Badge Program

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the Importance of Self-Promotion:

    • Articulate the role of self-promotion in expanding their influence and reach as a Nordic Coach.
    • Recognize how effective self-promotion aligns with the mission of Nordic Flow and contributes to personal and professional growth.
  2. Identify and Leverage the Right Platforms:

    • Evaluate and choose the most suitable digital platforms for promoting their personal brand and Nordic Flow offerings.
    • Develop strategies to effectively use these platforms to enhance visibility and engagement.
  3. Master Instagram for Self-Promotion:

    • Create an engaging and visually appealing Instagram profile that reflects their personal brand and the values of Nordic Flow.
    • Utilize Instagram features such as Stories, Reels, and IGTV to build a strong connection with their audience.
    • Implement content strategies that increase follower engagement and expand their reach on Instagram.
  4. Build and Sustain a Loyal Following:

    • Apply best practices for content creation and audience engagement to grow a dedicated following.
    • Use proven techniques to foster community and maintain consistent interaction with their audience.
    • Optimize their self-promotion efforts to increase financial rewards through app and academy referrals, utilizing strategies to maximize earnings.
  5. Maximize Financial Rewards:

    • Identify opportunities within the Nordic Flow ecosystem to earn through app and academy referrals.
    • Implement strategies that effectively convert their audience into active participants, leading to higher financial rewards.

Course Content

I. Introduction
II. Platforms
III. Navigating Instagram
IV. Best Practices for Building a Following & Revenue

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